Where were you born?
I was born in Taipei Veterans General Hospital and went to Lords Grace Kindergarten, Tianmu Elementary School, Wesley Girls’ Junior High School. They are all in Tianmu area. What surprises even myself is that I have come back and end up here, again, after a big detour in my life. I guess Tianmu and I are just made for each other.
What do you feel about Tianmu?
I have no sense of directions, get lost anywhere I go. However, Tianmu is the only exception. If we are going to meet in Tianmu, I can always come out with certain streets that will eventually lead me to the place, but that is not applicable in other areas. I am quite uncomfortable in the downtown eastern district. In that area, everybody seems busy, and one needs to dress up sophisticatedly. I feel that people are forced to be compared with others, and it turns out to be a burden. Unlike in Tianmu, we can be really relaxed and casual.
Do you sense any changes in Tianmu after traveling around most of the world (note: An-Gu was a flying attendant for seven years)?
I don’t see many changes here. Of course many restaurants have come and gone over the years, but there are still a lot old ones standing tall and firm. Some of them were there when I was a kid and I used to eat in those restaurants, such as Mary’s Hamburger(茉莉漢堡). I called its owner uncle and he chats with me whenever I am in his place. Surely many new restaurants are courteous, but you can feel that it is strictly business, very different from those old restaurants.
Your restaurant has obviously attracted many dog-lovers. Why did you choose Tianme for this restaurant? What do you think about your own restaurant?
It is purely chances. I wanted to open a small shop and my friends told me about this place. Actually, Jhihshanyan is not real Tianmu, but roads are wide in this area, and there is a river park with a lot of open spaces. I love it at the first sight. I wanted my restaurant to be a ‘Space of Stories’. I had my first dog, ‘Dodo’ (a Labrador retriever), and then went on adopting ‘New-New’ and ‘Mei-Mei’ (both are golden retrievers). While walking them, I came to know a lot of friends and that made me decide to open this ‘Dodo Cozy Home’. In addition, I met my husband and my business partner here. During these years, I got married and had a daughter, so this shop itself is a place full of stories, in a sense. Needless to say, many guests had, have and will have their stories here. That is the atmosphere I want to have in my restaurant.
我希望天母可以多一些人文氣息,再多一些社區的感覺。像日本東京的自由之丘,他們也是住商都有,他們形成一個有特色的賣家居品、家藝品的集合地,每個店都很小,但是都有自己的特色,很多東西是你在東京別的地方找不到的,因此一直吸引很多人來逛。他們也有很多好餐廳。像七段上面的也趣、Cozy Corner,就是我很喜歡的。我希望有特色的店可以在天母留下來。不然天母的特色就會消失了。
Looking into the future, any expectation for Tianmu?
I really hope that we could have a little more tint of culture and community in Tianmu, like Jiyugaoka, also a residential and commercial area in Tokyo. Jiyugaoka is a collection of artistic and distinctive shops which sell unique household appliances and artifacts that cannot be found elsewhere in Tokyo. It attracts a lot of customers, and tourists too. Tianmu also has many fine artistic shops, such as Aki Gallery (也趣) and Cozy Corner , I like them both very much. I wish all the stores with characters in Tianmu could sustain, or Tianmu would lost her uniqueness.