European Neighbours Day grows up:
Cork City Council shares their experience: relying on the existing association network
It was our first year so we decided to adopt a relatively low key approach in order to assess the
level of interest from groups which was much higher than anticipated so the intention is to adopt
a much higher profile for next year. All community Associations and Community Development
project were written to and invited to organize events. For instance :
Blackpool Community Association held an open day in their community centre with food music
St Patricks Infants National School held a concert to which all people living in the community
were invited. Attendants were also given a tour of the school and met with teachers and pupils.
Douglas Senior Citizens Club organized an outing for older people living in the Community
Orchard Court Neighbours day organized a Children s party.
Ballyphehane Community association held an open evening with food music etc.
Middle Parish Community Association held an open day in their community centre with food
music etc.
Michael O Brien Town of Cork